Monday, February 12, 2007

Musiq is essential

Often times I reflect back over the years and I wonder..."When did I fall in love with music?". That question alone makes me kind of laugh, because if any of you have ever seen the movie "Brown Sugar", then you will remember the saying..."When did you fall in love with Hip Hop?". I do have a love for hip hop, but more importantly I am a universal lover of music. I'm not sure what it does to me. It brings about a feeling, a passion that I cant even put into words. When you truly LOVE something, it is hard to incorporate those feelings into word...thus I can say that I do LOVE music.

If you ever see me walking around campus, in my room, at the computer, etc...I am ALWAYS listening to music. Some might even say that I have a pair of headphones glued to my ears. It has become a continual stream of sounds, vibrations, lyrics, and beats for me. In many ways...I am not a critical lover of music...I definitely know what is my favorite TYPE of music. This type of music that I whole-heartily am head over heels in love with is neo soul. Ahhh..the passion I feel for thee. For all of those that are not knowledgeable about this form of music, let me break it down for you :).

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